FREE Training Program: Functional Full Body

Warm up can be tailored to the individual however a good base would be:

  • Elevated combat stretch

  • 90/90

  • Lizard with rotation

  • Cat cow

  • Face pulls

Each phase can be 3-5 weeks long, its going to have a day 1,2,3 however if you want to workout more then 3X a week it could look like this Monday day 1, Tuesday day 2, Thursday day 3, Friday day 1, Monday day 2 Tuesday day 3 ect, it doesn’t have to be a 3 day a week program.

Also you can do on in-between days a big focus on recovery, foam rolling, or any other activities that’s not super straining, not anything so intense it effects the next workout, even some isolation work in the arms ect, every single time we should be aiming for 2 reps in the tank, until phase 3, where it can be 1-2 reps in the tank when we really push the weight up

Phase 1- the goal here is to learn the newer moves.

Day 1 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Turkish get up with a pause at each part for 1 second, 5/2/1.5 (build up to last set being 80% intensity)

  • Snatch grip RDL 4/8-12/1.5

  • Pullups(use weight if needed) 3-4/4-8/1.5

  • Barbell push press 3-4/4-8/1.5

  • Trap bar carry(or heavy dumbbell carry) 3/30-45 seconds/1.5

Day 2 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Windmills 4/6/1.5 (build up to last set being 80% intensity)

  • Zercher squats 4/8-12/1.5

  • Barbell bent over row 3-4/5-8/1.25

  • Incline barbell bench press 3-4/4-8/1.5

  • Single arm over head carry and 1 arm farmer carry 3/30-45 seconds/1.5

Day 3 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Kneeling windmills 3/8/1.5

  • Reverse to forward to side lunges 3/18/1

    (18 total reps per side, so reverse 1, forward 2, side 3,ect)

  • Dumbbell row with rotation  4/4-8/1.5

  • Dead ball slams 3/8-12/1

  • Single arm Over head and single arm rack carry 3/30-45 seconds/1.5

Phase 2- the goal here is to build volume with the moves.

Start each workout with 3 sets of 2 reps of Turkish get ups at 60% ish of the weight you did in phase 1, as well as 3 set of 5 reps of 60% the weight you did for windmills in phase 1 as well, rest 1 min or less

Day 1 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Turkish get ups 4-5/3/1  

  • Reverse lunges elevated 3/8-12/1

  • High pulls barbell 3-4/6-8/1

  • Split stance cable rows with rotation3-4/8-10/1

  • Barbell flat bench press 3-4/6-8/1

  • Trap bar carry(or heavy dumbbell carry) 3/30-45 seconds/1

Day 2 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Windmills 4-5/5-8/1

  • Landmine staggered RDL to over head press switch  4-5/5-8/1

  • KB single arm clean to squat to press 3-4/6-8/1

  • Pullups  3-4/8-10/1

  • Overhead carries double(single if not possible) 3/30-45 seconds/1

  • Lumberjacks 3/10-15/1

Day 3 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Dumbbell snatches 3-4/8-10/1

  • Landmine low to high press 4-5/5-8/1

  • Landmine bent over row 4-5/5-8/1

  • Stability ball curls  3/8-12/1

  • Push up to rotation 3-4/AMRAP/1

  • Lateral ball wall throws 3/10-15/1

Phase 3- the goal here is to increase the lifts with strength.

Start each workout with the half kneeling windmill 2 sets 5 reps, 60% the weight you did in phase 1. As well as 75% the weight you did the over head carry you did in phase 2 but only single arm, 2 sets too.

Day 1 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Turkish get up pyramid, 6-8/1/1-2

    Build up until the last 2-3 sets are near you 90%, as the weight gets heavier rest more

  • B stance RDL 3-4/6-8/1.25

  • Seated cable row  3-4/6-8/1.25

  • Barbell flat bench 3-4/6-8/1.25

  • Suit case carry 3/30-45 seconds/1

  • Side planks 3/30-45 seconds/1

Day 2 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • Windmills 2/5/1, then 2-3/3/1.5

  • Fire man carry Walking lunges 4/6-10/1 (half with he weight on 1 side)

  • Barbell  Pendley rows 3-4/4-6/1.5

  • Incline dumbbell alternating press 3-4/8-10/1

  • Double rack carry3/30-45 seconds/1

  • Dead hangs 3/amrap/1

Day 3 sets/reps/rest(min)

  • KB swings 4/10-15/1

  • Dumbbell low to high press 4/6-10/1

  • Side lunges 4/6-10/1

  • Pull ups 3-4/3-6/1.5-2

  • Over head press3-4/6-8/1.25

  • High to low lumberjacks


FREE: The ultimate base program