FREE: The ultimate base program

3 months= 12 weeks

Full body 2-3 times a week, known as foundational days

Goal is to phase in and out of different modalities to get the best out of each

On non-foundation days can incorporate walks, outdoor time, mini workouts, yoga, mobility, sports etc.

Cycle threw mini bulks and mini cuts to either gain muscle or lose fat, for example, 3 weeks of a bulk and 1 week of a cut is still a bulk, 2 weeks bulk 2 weeks cut is maintained, 1 week bulk 3 weeks cut is still a cut. Don’t be in once phase to long, better to be able to track food intake but if not fuel your body with food when hungry, make good choices, whole natural foods, minimum processed, if you need to make small adjustment to the workout you can but trust the process as it is written out to the best of your ability

In every phase do not go to failure, make sure you stop 1-2 reps short, leave energy in the tank for the next lift, the next day ect, you don’t want the workout to make the next workout less effective. Plus no bad form 

Pre phase (optional to do before if you think you want to ease into it) (2-6 weeks)

“rust taken off, habit building” goal here is to get back into a normal routine, good if you have taken a break from the gym, or you are not used to full body workouts, it’s a chance to practice form and technical work at a light intensity, and working on range of motion and control(its optional depending where you believe yourself to be, could be 2-6 weeks depending on the person)

Phase 1  (4 weeks)

Strength, goal is to focus on getting your central nervous system to fire well with heavy weights, get strong in the lower reps (1-6 reps)!

Phase 2 (4 weeks)

Hypertrophy, goal is to focus on getting stronger but in the hypertrophy range (usually 8-12 reps)

Phase 3 (4 weeks)

Endurance, goal is to get a muscle pump, and build some endurance (usually 10-20 reps)

Off day exercise! Pick one of the options that best suits your day/goal

Trigger sessions: 1-4 times a day do a quick 5-10 min workout, goal is to get a pump, 10-20 reps, 1-2 sets, can be body weight or bands, try to do the bigger muscle groups/the ones you want to bring up, should be light intensity

Focus sessions: 1 time a day 15-30 min workout to get a pump in 1 or 2 specific body parts to bring them up, focus on 2-3 sets and 2-3 exercises per body part. Also good to practice moves like squats 

Mobility sessions: do the warm up 1-3 times a day, focus on the areas you want to get better mobility too, can also add in stretches or any other mobility drills you want

Mini sessions: pre phase style


Effective Fitness Programs Tailored to Your Goals


FREE Training Program: Functional Full Body