Comprehensive Personal Training Intake Manual

Welcome to your personal training journey! This comprehensive guide will help us understand your fitness goals, health history, and lifestyle habits, laying the foundation for a successful partnership. Together, we will work towards achieving your health and fitness objectives through a holistic approach that includes physical training, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and behavior change.

Table of Contents

  1. Client Goals

  2. Health History

  3. Lifestyle Habits

  4. Coaching Philosophy

  5. Client Commitment

  6. Client Education

  7. Client Resources

  8. Progress Tracking

  9. Quick Tips and Tricks

1. Client Goals

Understanding your goals is essential to designing a program that meets your needs.


  • What are your primary fitness goals, and why are they important to you?

  • Which specific areas of your body do you feel most motivated to focus on, and what inspires that focus?

  • Are you preparing for a particular event or competition? If so, what does that mean for you?

  • How do you envision exercise contributing to your health-related goals, like improving cardiovascular health or managing a chronic condition?

  • What does improving your overall fitness level and endurance look like for you?

  • How do you define success in your fitness journey, and what milestones are meaningful to you?

Specific Objectives:

  • What specific weight loss or weight gain goals do you have in mind?

  • Which muscle groups are you most interested in targeting for strength or size, and why?

  • How do you see yourself improving your overall cardiovascular endurance?

  • What flexibility and mobility improvements would you like to achieve, and how do you think they would benefit you?

  • In what ways do you hope to enhance your athletic performance for specific sports?

  • What areas of general health improvement and maintenance are you most focused on?

  • If you've had an injury, what does rehabilitation look like for you?

2. Health History

A detailed overview of your health history helps tailor the program to your needs safely.


  • Can you share details about any past or present medical conditions that may influence your training?

  • What medications are you currently taking, and how do you feel they impact your health and fitness?

  • Do you have any allergies, and how have they affected your lifestyle?

  • Have you undergone any surgeries or do you have physical limitations that we should consider?

  • What past or present injuries have you dealt with, and how have they shaped your approach to fitness?

  • How would you describe your general fitness level, and what regular activities do you enjoy?

3. Lifestyle Habits

Your lifestyle habits play a significant role in your fitness progress.


  • What does a typical day of meals and snacks look like for you? Please describe each meal, including portion sizes.

  • How much water do you drink daily, and how do you incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet?

  • Are there any specific dietary plans you follow or restrictions you adhere to? If so, please elaborate.

  • What supplements do you regularly take, and what benefits do you hope to achieve from them?


  • Can you describe your typical sleep schedule, including the number of hours you aim for and the quality of your sleep?

  • What challenges do you face when trying to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night?

  • How do you feel your sleep affects your daily activities and fitness progress?

  • What strategies have you tried to improve your sleep quality?

Stress Management:

  • What are the main stressors you encounter daily, and how do they impact your life?

  • What methods do you currently use to manage stress, and how effective do you find them?

  • Are there any specific physical activities, relaxation techniques, or hobbies that help you de-stress?

  • How do you prioritize stress management in your daily routine?

Additional Habits:

  • How often do you consume alcohol and caffeinated beverages, and what are your thoughts on their impact on your health?

  • Are you currently a smoker or use recreational drugs? If so, how do you think this affects your fitness journey?

  • What changes, if any, have you considered regarding your consumption of these substances?

  • How do you balance social situations involving alcohol or caffeine with your fitness goals?

4. Coaching Philosophy

My coaching philosophy revolves around a holistic approach that encompasses physical training, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and behavior change.

Key Elements:

  • Understanding and respecting each client's unique goals, needs, and circumstances is crucial. This means taking the time to listen to their personal stories and aspirations, which allows for a tailored approach that aligns with their individual journeys.

  • Prioritizing education and empowerment ensures that clients not only follow a plan but also grasp the reasoning behind their training and lifestyle changes. By explaining the science and benefits behind each decision, clients become more invested and motivated in their transformation.

  • Establishing sustainable habits involves making gradual, progressive changes that fit seamlessly into clients' lives. This approach helps prevent overwhelming them and encourages long-term adherence to healthier practices.

  • Leveraging evidence-based practices in exercise science, nutrition, and behavior change is essential for achieving optimal results. Staying informed about the latest research allows us to implement strategies that have been proven effective, ensuring our clients receive the best guidance possible.

  • Encouraging a positive mindset and celebrating all forms of progress fosters resilience and motivation. Recognizing even the smallest achievements helps clients maintain enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment throughout their journey.

  • Fostering an environment of accountability, support, and open communication creates a safe space where clients feel comfortable sharing their struggles and successes. This supportive atmosphere enhances their experience and promotes greater commitment to their goals.

  • Emphasizing the importance of rest, recovery, and self-care is vital for overall well-being. Clients are encouraged to listen to their bodies, prioritize downtime, and engage in activities that nourish their mental and physical health, allowing them to perform at their best.

5. Client Commitment

Achieving your goals requires dedication and consistency.


  • Attend each session and give your best effort.

  • Remember that any workout is better than no workout at all.

  • Prioritize your daily steps and stay active outside of our sessions.

  • Be flexible in scaling your workouts up or down based on your changing lifestyle.

  • Utilize available tools and equipment to maximize your results, including resistance bands, a suspension trainer, adjustable dumbbells, a bench, a stability ball, and some open space on the floor and walls for home workouts.

  • Communicate openly about your progress and any challenges you encounter.

  • Regarding cancellations, I understand that life happens. There will be no charge if we can discuss and reschedule "within reason." However, if a pattern of cancellations arises, we will need to have a conversation. Continued issues may result in a warning, and subsequent missed sessions will incur a charge.

6. Client Education

Education is a crucial component of the training process.

Behavior Change:

  • Thought-provoking discussions on the psychology of habit formation, exploring the science of how habits are developed and sustained. We also examine effective strategies for overcoming common obstacles to change, making desired habits easier to adopt and undesired habits more challenging to maintain.

  • Conducting regular progress assessments that not only emphasize positive changes but also monitor individual journeys, offering motivation and a sense of achievement to keep participants engaged. I enjoy focusing on strength training.

  • Creating strategies to set realistic and achievable goals that take individual circumstances into account can help foster sustainable change while preventing feelings of overwhelm or discouragement. Celebrate small victories and reframe challenges to maintain a positive outlook.

  • Introducing techniques for building a supportive environment(family/friends), and creating spaces that encourage healthy habits for example having gym equipment at home/a gym membership, ultimately making it easier to maintain long-term lifestyle changes.

Food Guidance:

  • Tailored nutrition advice that aligns dietary preferences with fitness goals, ensuring that each individual's unique lifestyle and tastes are considered for optimal results.

  • Emphasis on the importance of macronutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—along with portion control and meal timing to help maximize energy levels and recovery for both workouts and daily activities.

  • Access to a wealth of resources, including detailed meal guides and a variety of delicious recipes, all available on my blogs and websites, designed to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable.

  • Initially, we will focus on tracking our habits without making any adjustments for the first two weeks to raise awareness of our eating patterns. After that, we will concentrate on adding nutrients where we may be lacking rather than cutting back on indulgences. Typically, I focus on increasing protein, fiber, and healthy fats, as most people often find they are deficient in at least one of these, if not all three.

Sleep Guidance:

  • Sleep plays a crucial role in recovery and overall health, as it allows the body to repair itself, restore energy levels, and support cognitive function. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a strong immune system and enhancing mood.

  • To improve sleep quality, establish consistent sleep schedules by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Incorporating relaxing pre-sleep routines, such as reading or gentle stretching, can signal your body that it's time to wind down.

  • Creating a comfortable sleep environment is vital. This includes eliminating noise and light through the use of blackout curtains, earplugs, or white noise machines to foster a tranquil atmosphere conducive to restful sleep.

  • Limiting screen time before bed is important since the blue light emitted by devices can interfere with melatonin production. Aim to turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime to encourage better rest and a more natural sleep cycle.

Stress Guidance:

  • Identifying sources of stress is the first step in managing it effectively. Keep a journal to track stressors and reflect on your feelings, which can help you recognize patterns and develop actionable tools to address them.

  • Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep-breathing exercises, along with yoga and other relaxation techniques, can significantly reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm and clarity.

  • Building a strong support network of friends and family is essential. Sharing your feelings and experiences with trusted individuals can provide comfort and perspective during stressful times, reminding you that you're not alone in facing challenges.

  • Setting realistic goals and prioritizing tasks can help reduce feelings of overwhelm. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable steps and focus on accomplishing one thing at a time, allowing for a greater sense of achievement and control over your workload.

Common Mistakes/Pitfalls:

  • Skipping meals or drastically cutting calories to lose weight can hinder muscle growth. To understand our caloric needs, it's crucial to track intake initially, as many calorie calculators can be inaccurate.

  • Relying on fad diets, supplements, or detoxes for quick results is often ineffective and unsustainable.

  • Ignoring the significance of sleep and stress management can negatively impact overall health and fitness. Increasing sleep alongside consistent workout programs can lead to greater muscle gains and fat loss.

  • Comparing your progress to others instead of concentrating on personal goals is unproductive. Remember, progress is progress. We should focus on increasing strength rather than obsessing over the scale or mirror; positive changes occur when strength improves.

  • Giving up too soon in the face of setbacks is a common mistake. Our goal should be to navigate around challenges, as life, much like the seasons, requires adaptability. Embracing periods of maintenance for a month or two is preferable to losing progress altogether.

Starting Our Journey Together:

  • Begin at a steady pace, gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts. This approach will help prevent injuries and allow your body to adjust. Always listen to your body's signals throughout this process.

  • Each week, we will evaluate your progress and, if appropriate, introduce additional exercises or increase the challenge every two weeks. This strategy will help us find the perfect balance that you can manage comfortably without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Keep a record of your daily steps and overall activity levels. This will help us determine if we should include walking in your training plan, as it can be an excellent way to enhance your fitness without excessive strain.

  • Aim to slightly increase your activity compared to your current routine, but do so sensibly. Instead of leaping from inactivity to an intense regimen, focus on making small, manageable increases that will gradually build your fitness.

  • Stay adaptable and open to changes. Embracing flexibility will make your transition smoother and more enjoyable as you work towards your fitness goals.

7. Client Resources

Here are some recommended resources to enhance your understanding and support your fitness journey.


  • Mind Pump - Health topics and interviews with experts.

  • Modern Wisdom - Great guests in health and fitness.

  • The Drive with Peter Attia - Science-based discussions.

  • Huberman Lab - In-depth, science-focused episodes.

  • The Layne Norton Show - Body composition and nutrition.

  • The Genius Life with Max Lugavere - Nutrition for body and brain.

  • The Daily Stoic with Ryan Holiday - Insights into stoicism and practical philosophy.


  • Outlive by Peter Attia - Longevity and health.

  • The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday - Stoicism and overcoming difficulties.

  • Die with Zero by Bill Perkins - Balancing living in the moment with delayed gratification.

  • Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker - Understanding the importance of sleep.

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear - Strategies for behavior change.

8. Progress Tracking

We'll track and measure your progress through various methods.


  • Maintaining detailed records of workout metrics such as weights lifted, reps completed, and exercise duration is crucial for tracking progress and making informed adjustments to training regimens.

  • Keeping nutrition logs helps monitor dietary habits, allowing for better meal planning and adjustments to optimize health and performance.

  • Tracking sleep quality and quantity is essential, as proper rest plays a significant role in recovery and overall fitness levels.

  • Regular stress level assessments can provide insights into how stress impacts physical performance and well-being, enabling clients to adopt better stress management techniques.

  • Gathering client feedback and reassessing goals every 4-6 weeks (or as needed) ensures that the training program remains aligned with individual aspirations and progress.

  • Conducting baseline and ongoing fitness assessments, including strength and mobility tests, allows for a thorough understanding of a client's physical capabilities and areas for improvement.

  • Utilizing fitness tracking apps or platforms can enhance accountability and motivation by providing real-time data and insights on progress.

9. Quick Tips and Tricks

Here are some quick tips to keep you on track:

  • Hydrate: Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. It's okay if you need to get up frequently to use the restroom; in fact, it encourages more movement.

  • Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Turn off electronics and avoid eating before bed to ensure a restful night.

  • Move: Incorporate more movement into your daily routine, like walking or stretching/mobility, small bouts of exercise. Having some weights or resistance bands at home can be a great solution when life gets busy, allowing you to fit in quick and easy workouts without needing to go to the gym.

  • Fuel: Eat balanced meals with a healthy mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Emphasize quality proteins from whole foods, healthy fats, and easily digestible carbs. For example, consider ground meat with rice and roasted vegetables, Greek yogurt with fruit, or an omelets with veggies and avocado.

  • Relax: Find time for activities that help you relax and de-stress. Consider practicing yoga, enjoying a good book, or taking a nature walk.

  • Supplement: I often recommend creatine for nearly all clients, alongside protein, as many find it challenging to meet their protein requirements. If you’re already fulfilling your protein needs, additional supplementation isn't necessary. I also advise taking vitamin D if you’re not getting sufficient sunlight, fish oil if your diet lacks fish, and lion's mane for its cognitive advantages.

  • Connect the Dots: Whenever we engage in an activity, it's important to connect the dots to reinforce and recognize the outcomes of our behaviors. For instance, if we sleep well and feel good, or sleep poorly and feel bad, we need to make the connection. The same goes for food and exercise. Pay attention to how you feel after performing an action and connect the dots.


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