5 things to ensure a bad workout

Skip the Warm-Up

Why bother with a warm-up? It's not like your muscles need to be eased into activity or anything. Just jump right into your workout with cold, stiff muscles and enjoy the added risk of injury and decreased performance. Who needs a productive workout anyway?

Skimp on Nutrition and Hydration

Why waste valuable time on nutrition and hydration when you could be pumping iron like a pro? Don't bother fueling your body with the proper amount of protein, calories, and fluids it needs to perform at its best. Instead, enjoy feeling weak and dehydrated as you strive for the worst possible workout.

Don't Progress Appropriately

Who needs progression when you could just do the same workout at the same intensity every time you hit the gym? Skip the challenge of increasing weights, reps, or difficulty and enjoy the monotony of a stale workout that never changes or improves.

Lack Sleep

Sleep? Who needs sleep when there's a workout to be had? Ignore the importance of a good night's rest and power through your workout on pure caffeine and adrenaline. Your body will thank you later when it crashes and burns.

Have No Structure

Why bother with structure? Just do whatever exercises you feel like and in whatever order you want. Ignore the principles of proper workout design and enjoy the confusion and inefficiency of a randomly structured workout. After all, who needs to get results when you can just wing it instead?


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