3 ways to hack your 2024 fitness goals. Start small, start simple

1. Incorporate Bodyweight Exercises into Your Daily Routine

One of the most convenient and effective ways to stay fit is to incorporate bodyweight exercises into your daily routine. This can include moves like squats, push-ups, lunges, and planks. Start small by committing to just two minutes of exercise each day, and gradually increase your time and the number of reps as you improve.

To stay consistent, try setting a reminder on your phone or calendar for the same time each day when you can fit in your two minutes of exercise. You can also recruit a workout buddy to help you stay motivated and accountable.

To progress over time, vary your exercises and add new challenges to increase difficulty. For example, try adding a jump to your squats or push-ups, or holding a plank for longer periods of time.

2. Practice Mindful Eating

While exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle, so too is mindful eating. This involves paying close attention to your food choices and the way you eat, including the pace at which you consume your meals.

One simple two-minute hack to incorporate mindful eating is to practice taking just a few deep breaths before each meal to help you tune into your hunger and satiety cues. During your meal, try to focus solely on your food, chewing slowly and savoring each bite.

To stay consistent with this habit, consider setting a reminder on your phone or scheduling a regular mealtime that allows you to eat mindfully, without distractions.

To progress over time, try incorporating more whole foods into your diet and experimenting with new recipes and flavors.

3. Take a Quick Walk Outside

Sitting at a desk all day can be detrimental to your health, so take a two-minute break every hour to get up and take a quick walk, even if it’s just around your office or home. The fresh air and movement can help improve circulation and reduce stress.

To stay consistent with this hack, set an hourly reminder on your phone or use a timer to remind you to stand up and move around every 60 minutes.

To progress over time, try increasing the duration or intensity of your walks, or incorporating other forms of movement like jogging on the spot, dancing, or yoga. You can also use this time to connect with colleagues or friends by taking a quick walk together.


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