Benefits of Starting a Workout Routine Slowly, One Step at a Time

We all know the benefits of exercising, from weight management to mental and emotional wellbeing, and overall physical health. However, it can be overwhelming to decide where to begin, especially if you're starting from scratch. The good news is that you don't have to go all-in at once. Instead, starting slowly and progressing at your own pace can provide numerous benefits that are often ignored. In this blog post, we're going to discuss the benefits of starting a workout routine slowly, one step at a time, as opposed to jumping in without a plan.

First off, when you start exercising slowly and progress gradually, you mitigate the risk of injury. If you've been sedentary for a long time, your body won't be used to the physical exertion of vigorous workouts, hence a high risk of injury. Going too hard, too soon can strain muscles, injure joints, and lead to immense pain. Starting with 30 minutes workout once a week, then scaling it up slowly to twice, or thrice depending on how much time you have can minimize your risk of injury and other complications that may occur as a result of exercising too hard too soon.

Secondly, starting small also helps your body get used to the exertion and intensity. Our bodies need time to adjust to new activities, changes in routines, and challenging workouts. By starting small, we allow our bodies to adapt gradually, building up strength and endurance. Once your body is used to 30 minutes of workout, you can increase it to 40-45 minutes and not feel overwhelmed.

Thirdly, starting slowly and building a workout routine enhances our ability to build habits. Habits become easy through repetition, and maintaining a habit is easier than starting one. Therefore, when you start slowly, and build your activities up steadily, you strengthen those new habits you've formed. In no time, working out becomes a part of your daily routine, and you won't have to stress about when or how to exercise.

Another benefit of starting slowly is that it helps in teaching us not to go all-or-nothing. Many people feel motivated when they begin exercising. They think that they must go all out and exercise as hard as they can every day. This kind of mindset can often backfire in the long run. It can lead to exhaustion, decreased motivation, and ultimately giving up altogether. Taking a gradual approach to working out helps in training your mind and body to avoid extremes and overexertion.

To sum it up, starting a workout routine slowly, one step at a time, has numerous benefits that you shouldn't overlook. By starting small, you avoid the risk of injury, adapt to new challenges gradually, build up your habits, and avoid the extremes that come with overexertion. While it may be tempting to jump all-in and do as much as possible when you're highly motivated, doing so can often lead to failure and disappointment in the long run. So, start off small, progress as your body gets used to it, and with time, you'll reap the rewards of your efforts.


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