Unwind the Yarn: Tackling Big Tasks One Step at a Time

Ever found yourself staring at a huge pile of work, not knowing where to start? It's a common struggle, especially if you're a busy professional, a fitness enthusiast, or a small business owner. I often tell my clients to think of their tasks as a big tangled ball of yarn. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, you need to start by unwinding one strand at a time. This method has proven effective not just for my clients, but in my own personal life and business as well.

The "Unwind the Yarn" Analogy

What it Means

Imagine your workload as a giant ball of tangled yarn. When you look at it as a whole, it feels overwhelming and impossible to manage. However, if you start unravelling it one strand at a time, it becomes much more manageable. The same goes for your to-do list or fitness goals. Start with the easiest, most straightforward task to build momentum and confidence.

Personal Experience

I've used this analogy numerous times with my clients, particularly busy professionals and small business owners. One client, a small business owner, struggled to maintain a consistent workout routine due to his demanding schedule and high stress levels. Instead of overwhelming him with a complete lifestyle overhaul, we started small. We added a 10-minute morning stretch routine, which was the "lowest hanging fruit" for him. Gradually, we built up to more complex tasks like attending weekly fitness classes and making healthier food choices. Over several months, he not only lost weight and improved his fitness level but also reported feeling more energized and focused in his business.

Steps to Unwind Your Yarn Ball of Tasks

Create Your To-Do List

  1. List Your Tasks: Write down all the tasks you need to complete today.

  2. Identify the Easiest Task: Find the simplest, quickest task to complete first.

  3. Set Time Limits: Allocate specific time limits to each task to avoid over-committing to one.

  4. Prioritize: Sort tasks based on urgency and importance.

  5. Break Down Larger Tasks: Divide more significant tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

  6. Take Breaks: Schedule a 10-minute break after completing the first task to celebrate progress.

  7. Use a Timer: Stay focused by using a timer to limit the time spent on each task.

  8. Repeat: Select the next easiest task and continue the process.

  9. Circle Back: If there’s still time, revisit any tasks that were not completed during the day.

  10. Reflect: At the end of the day, reflect on your progress and adjust your approach for tomorrow if needed.

Unwind the Yarn in Fitness

For those looking to improve their fitness, the "unwind the yarn" approach can be highly effective:

  1. Easy Access to Gym Equipment: Make sure you have easy access to gym equipment at home or a nearby gym.

  2. Have a Plan: Whether it's a program, a coach, or a basic plan, know what you need to do.

  3. Set Bare Minimums: Start with small daily goals like a 10-minute stretch or hitting the gym twice a week.

  4. Food Plan: Make a simple grocery list to hit your protein and fiber targets.

  5. Walk: Walking is a great way to start. Get a friend to join you for walks or hikes.

  6. Mobility Exercises: Pick 3-5 mobility or correctional exercises to help with movement and posture.

  7. Passive Work: Schedule regular sessions with a manual therapist like a massage therapist, osteopath, chiropractor, or physiotherapist.

  8. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  9. Sleep Well: Ensure you're getting quality sleep.

  10. Support System: Set up a support system with a coach, trainer, or family members to keep you on track.


When faced with a daunting list of tasks or goals, remember the "unwind the yarn" approach. Start small, focus on the most manageable tasks, and gradually build up to more significant challenges. This method not only makes the process less overwhelming but also helps you build momentum and confidence.


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