Trimming the Fat - Junk Volume vs Big Rock Workouts

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for an effective workout can be challenging, especially for busy professionals and fitness enthusiasts. The key to maximizing your workout efficiency lies in understanding the concept of "junk volume" and focusing on the "big rocks" that truly matter. In this blog post, we'll explore what junk volume is, why it's detrimental, and how you can streamline your fitness routine to get the most out of your limited time.

What is Junk Volume?

Junk volume refers to unnecessary and ineffective exercise components that do not contribute significantly to your fitness goals. These often include:

  • Excessive Isolation Exercises: Spending too much time on single-muscle exercises like bicep curls or tricep extensions.

  • Redundant Training: Repeating similar workouts that do not provide additional benefits.

  • High Repetition with Low Intensity: Performing numerous reps with inadequate weight, leading to minimal muscle engagement.

Why Junk Volume is Detrimental

Incorporating junk volume into your workout can lead to several drawbacks:

  • Wasted Time and Effort: Investing time in exercises that yield little return hampers overall progress.

  • Increased Risk of Injury: Performing repetitive and unnecessary movements can strain your body.

  • Mental Fatigue: Dragging through lengthy, ineffective sessions can demotivate and burn you out.

The Concept of Big Rocks in Fitness

The "big rocks" in fitness refer to the most effective and efficient exercises that target multiple muscle groups. By focusing on these foundational movements, you can maximize your workout benefits in less time. Key big rock exercises include:

  • Compound Movements:

  • Squats: Engage your entire lower body and core.

  • Lunges: Improve balance and strengthen legs and glutes.

  • Deadlifts: Target the posterior chain, including back, glutes, and hamstrings.

  • Horizontal Push and Pull:

  • Bench Press or Push-Ups for chest, shoulders, and triceps.

    1. Rows for back and biceps.

    2. Vertical Push and Pull:

    3. Overhead Press for shoulders and upper chest.

    4. Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns for back and biceps.

    5. Carries:

    6. Farmers Walk for grip strength and total body stability.

    Why Focus on Big Rock Exercises?

    • Efficiency: Engaging multiple muscle groups in a single movement saves time.

    • Strength and Functionality: These exercises mimic real-life activities, improving your overall strength and functional fitness.

    • Better Results: Focusing on big rocks promotes muscle growth, fat loss, and overall cardiovascular health.

    Effective Strategies for Streamlining Workouts When Time is Limited

    Prioritizing core exercises can streamline your routine and enhance results. Here’s how:

    While many believe that HIIT, circuits, or supersets are the go-to options when time is scarce, you can actually achieve substantial gains from 3-5 sets of strong compound lifts. Focusing on 4-6 reps with heavy weights can be incredibly effective.

    • Simplify Your Routine: Eliminate circuit training, supersets, and HIIT if they add unnecessary volume.

    • Emphasize Strength and Technique:

    • Perform 3-5 sets of squats or deadlifts.

    • Add 3-5 sets of rows or bench presses.

    • Prevent Fatigue:

    • Rest adequately between sets to maintain form and maximize strength gains.

    • Remember, fatigue undermines form. Prioritize quality over quantity.

    Incorporate Professional Guidance

    Enlisting the help of trained professionals, such as personal trainers, can make a significant difference. Many people believe that split workouts with high volume are necessary, but this often results in a lot of junk volume. A good trainer will prioritize a simple workout focusing on strength, designing efficient routines tailored to your individual needs and time constraints.

    Here's a highly effective and simple workout routine that should take about 20 minutes:

    Day 1:

    • Perform 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps with 1 minute of rest between sets.

    • Exercises: Squat, followed by a row, and then an overhead carry for 30 seconds.

    Day 2:

    • Perform 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps with 1 minute of rest between sets.

    • Exercises: Hinge, followed by a bench press, and then a suitcase carry for 30 seconds.


    Streamlining your workout routine by eliminating junk volume and focusing on big rock exercises can lead to significant improvements in strength, functionality, and overall fitness. If you're short on time, prioritize these efficient and effective movements to make the most out of every session.

    By understanding and implementing these principles, you can achieve your fitness goals more efficiently and effectively, even with a busy schedule. Happy lifting!


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