The Chaotic and Rewarding Life of a Nomadic Entrepreneurial Personal Trainer


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to juggle multiple hats as an entrepreneurial personal trainer while being constantly on the move? Imagine a labyrinth where every turn presents a new challenge or opportunity, and nothing is quite the same from one day to the next. Welcome to my world.

My life revolves around helping people achieve their fitness goals while managing a host of side projects and continuously seeking growth. Each day is a blend of structured routines and spontaneous adventures, balanced precariously on the edge of chaos and fulfillment.

A Day in My Life

Morning Labyrinth

I wake up each day with a rough plan, but the specifics often shift like sand in the wind. By 7 AM, my phone is already buzzing with messages from clients who need to reschedule, cancel, or book last-minute sessions. Some clients need very specific time slots, while others are more flexible. I spend the first hour of my day adjusting my calendar and ensuring everyone gets the attention they deserve.

Scheduling Friends and Family

Scheduling time with friends and family is another layer of complexity. My social life needs to fit around my clients’ needs and my own responsibilities. Weekly, I mentor a kid through the Big Brother program and teach a mobility class for charity. Both activities are fulfilling but require careful planning to ensure they don’t clash with my primary job.

Client Communications

With 26 current clients, including 18 paying clients and several who are partners working out together, communication is key. Whether it’s checking in via text or email, updating workout programs, or setting up video calls for remote sessions, I need to stay on top of it all. One of my clients helps me with video work in exchange for training, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that supports my business growth.

Creating Content

Content creation is a daily task that cannot be ignored. I write one blog post almost every day, and I try to make a video as well. This content is crucial for engaging with my audience and attracting new clients. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it when I see the positive impact it has on my business.

Personal Time

Finding time for my own workout is essential. I usually aim for a one- to two-hour window to focus on full-body exercises that address my limitations. Food is another aspect that requires attention; I either eat one big meal with snacks throughout the day or two meals, making sure to get enough protein and micronutrients.

Evening Wind-Down

Evenings are a mix of client sessions, social activities, and family obligations. I help out with my grandparents, walk the dogs, or babysit my brothers. I strive to be social 2-3 times a week, whether it's having coffee with friends or attending evening events. On weekends, I often teach CPR and First Aid classes, which adds another layer of responsibility.

The Challenges

Balancing Client Needs

The most significant challenge is balancing the constantly changing schedule of my clients. Each client has unique needs and availability, making it a puzzle that requires continuous attention.


Amidst the packed schedule, finding time for consistent self-care, including regular workouts and adequate sleep, is a constant struggle. However, it’s vital to maintain my energy levels and provide the best service to my clients.

Content Creation

Ensuring the quality and timeliness of content creation for my blog and videos is another challenge. This content is crucial for engaging with my audience and attracting new clients, so it needs to be top-notch.

Juggling Side Projects

From volunteer work to charity classes and podcasting, juggling side projects alongside my primary training business requires adept time management and prioritization. Each activity is fulfilling in its own right but demands careful coordination.

Seeking New Leads

Continuously seeking new leads and clients through networking and content marketing is essential for sustaining and growing my business. It’s a constant hustle that requires creativity and persistence.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout is crucial. I need to be social to have fun and relax, but I can’t go out all the time and deplete my energy. My job is somewhat social already, so I need to find a balance that works for me.

Growth Strategies


Regularly engaging with and expanding my network, both in-person and online, is a key strategy for generating new leads and referrals. Networking events, social media interactions, and collaborations with other professionals help create valuable connections.

Content Marketing

Producing high-quality blog posts, videos, and podcasts consistently showcases my expertise and provides value to my audience. This content marketing strategy helps attract new clients and keeps current clients engaged.

Social Media

Utilizing social media platforms, especially Instagram, to share content, engage with followers, and highlight testimonials and success stories is essential. It’s a powerful tool for attracting new clients and building my brand.

Unique Services

Offering unique services, such as the mobility class for charity, helps diversify my client base and creates a positive impact in the community. This boosts my brand’s reputation and attracts clients who value giving back.

Continuing Education

Staying at the forefront of industry trends and techniques through continuing education and professional development improves the quality of service I offer to clients. It also makes my business more attractive to potential clients. I probably listen to 1-3 hours a day of podcasts/audiobooks on health, fitness, wellness, psychology, business, family/relationships, and philosophy.

Client Retention

Implementing a client retention strategy that includes personalized follow-ups, progress tracking, and referral incentives ensures that clients remain satisfied and become advocates for my business. Excelling in your work not only retains clients but also hones your skills. I maintain a client retention rate of approximately 90% for over a year.


Exploring partnerships with local businesses for mutual promotion and considering affiliate marketing opportunities helps expand my network. Recently, I sponsored an under-18 high-performance curling team for some advertising and personal training opportunities.


Being an entrepreneurial personal trainer and nomadic online trainer is a balancing act that requires continuous adaptation and persistence. The challenges are numerous, but the rewards are equally fulfilling. By focusing on networking, content marketing, unique services, and continuing education, I strive to grow my business and personal brand while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

If you’re considering a similar path, remember that flexibility, creativity, and a strong support network are your best allies. And if you’re looking for a dedicated trainer who understands the hustle and can help you achieve your fitness goals, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can achieve great things.


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