My 28-Day Training Plan in the Dominican

Goals and Approach

During this month in the Dominican Republic, my focus is to revolutionize my traditional workout routine and maintain top physical condition. The plan is to split my workouts into smaller sessions throughout the day for increased frequency, using a suspension trainer and resistance bands to provide novel exercise challenges and promote muscle engagement differently from standard gym workouts.

The objective is to sustain—and possibly exceed—my current strength levels so that I can lift heavier weights during intermittent gym visits. In addition to strength training, I will emphasize mobility, end-range conditioning, flexibility, and incorporate morning sprints on the beach following dynamic warm-ups.

Current Experience and Injury Considerations

With 16 years of strength training experience, 5 years as a personal trainer, and a history in collegiate athletics, I bring a substantial fitness foundation to this plan. I have also recovered from an ACL surgery and a hip labrum reconstruction, which requires thoughtful exercise selection to avoid re-injury while still challenging my stability and strength.

Weekly Training Breakdown

  • Strength & Hypertrophy: Targeting 30-40 sets per body part per week, without reaching muscle failure too often. Intensity will be higher during occasional gym workouts.

  • Mobility & Flexibility: Daily routines focusing on joint health, particularly around the knees and hips, integrated with dynamic stretching and foundational Pilates or yoga movements.

  • Sprints: Skill-based sprint sessions on the sand (40m-60m), equipped with a solid dynamic warm-up to promote agility and simulate athletic conditioning.

  • Swimming & Sun Exposure: Utilize the pool and ocean for active recovery and spend time in the sun for natural vitamin D synthesis.

  • Nutrition & Sleep: Consistently target 8-9 hours of sleep each night, with a nutritious diet rich in protein to support muscle recovery and growth.

Novel Exercise Examples:

  • Single-leg exercises: Bulgarian split squats, pistol squats, and single-leg Romanian deadlifts on the suspension trainer or using a band.

  • Core isolation: Suspension trainer planks, fallouts, and twists for functional core strengthening.

  • Upper body focus: Chin-ups, dips, and face pulls with bands, as well as one-arm pushup progressions.

Progress Tracking:

  • Track the number of sets per body part per week, using a journal to ensure balanced training and cover all muscle groups adequately.

  • Adjust frequency and volume as necessary, based on daily performance and energy levels, and soreness.

Recovery Strategies:

  • Utilize swimming in the pool and ocean for low-impact recovery and relaxation.

  • Prioritize solid sleep hygiene and nutrient-dense meals to fuel the body for daily training demands.

  • Implement mobility work and possibly indulge in massages for soft tissue recovery.

Injury Prevention Adaptations:

  • Carefully select exercises that foster stability and balance while avoiding excessive strain on previously injured areas.

  • Engage in lower-impact movements and maintain strict form to ensure proper joint alignment and movement mechanics.

By the end of this month, my aim is to challenge my physical limits in innovative ways, ideally providing my body with diverse stimuli to maintain and enhance muscle strength and hypertrophy. I aim to improve my range of motion, overall fitness, and seamlessly transition back to traditional weightlifting without any setbacks.


Morning Workout Benefits: Rise, Shine, and Sweat!


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