Ultimate Guide to Workout Splits

How to Organize Your Workouts for Maximum Gains


Whether you're a beginner just stepping into the gym or an advanced lifter aiming to push the boundaries of your fitness, organizing your workouts efficiently is crucial to achieving your goals. This guide breaks down various workout splits to suit your schedule, from once-a-week routines to seven-day splits. No matter how busy you are or how much experience you have, there's a plan for you.

What is a Workout Split?

A workout split involves dividing your training regimen into specific days focusing on different muscle groups or types of exercises. The goal is to maximize efficiency, ensure adequate recovery, and achieve balanced muscle development.

Benefits of a Well-Structured Workout Split

  • Efficient Use of Time: Focus on specific muscle groups or movements each day.

  • Improved Recovery: Allow muscle groups adequate recovery time between sessions.

  • Balanced Development: Ensure all muscle groups get the attention they need.

  • Adaptability: Customize your routine to fit your schedule and goals.

How to Choose the Right Split for You

Consider these factors:

  • Experience Level: Are you a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter?

  • Goals: Are you aiming for strength, hypertrophy, health, or consistency?

  • Availability: How many days can you commit to working out each week?

  • Equipment: Do you have access to a typical big box gym with all the equipment?

1 Day/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Busy individuals

  • Beginners


  • Full-body workout

Key Movements:

  • Squat, hinge, row, press


  • 2-3 sets per lift; compound movements only

2 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Busy individuals

  • Beginners


  • Full-body workouts

Key Movements:

  • Day 1: Squat, row, press

  • Day 2: Hinge, lunge, carry


  • 3-4 sets per lift

3 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Beginners, intermediates


  • Full-body or targeted splits


  • Full-body workouts (Day 1: Squat, row, bench press; Day 2: Hinge, pull-down, shoulder press; Day 3: Lunge, carry, plank)

  • Push, Pull, Legs split

  • Upper/Lower split (alternating)

4 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Intermediates


  • Targeted splits for balanced training


  • Upper/Lower split

  • Push, Pull, Legs, Repeat

  • Full-body (hard/easy alternation)

5 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Advanced lifters


  • Detailed muscle group targeting


  • Day 1: Chest & Triceps

  • Day 2: Back & Biceps

  • Day 3: Legs

  • Day 4: Shoulders

  • Day 5: Abs/Calves

  • 3 Days on, 1 Rest Day, 2 Days on, 1 Rest Day, Repeat

  • Full-body mixed with focus days (e.g., arms, core, sport-specific)

6 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Advanced lifters


  • Intense and comprehensive training


  • Day 1: Back

  • Day 2: Chest

  • Day 3: Legs

  • Day 4: Shoulders

  • Day 5: Arms

  • Day 6: Cardio

  • Push, Pull, Legs, Repeat

  • Upper/Lower split repeated thrice

  • Full-body mixed with focus days

7 Days/Week Split

Ideal for:

  • Highly experienced lifters


  • Customized and varied training


  • Any mix of the above, with emphasis on recovery and diversity

Training Principles by Experience Level


  • Focus: Learn proper form and technique to prevent injuries.

  • Approach: Start with light weights, gradually increase load, and use tempo for control.


  • Focus: Progressive overload to continue growth.

  • Approach: Implement more complex exercises and varied training splits.

Health Enthusiasts

  • Focus: Consistency in workouts and nutrition for overall wellness.

  • Approach: Balance strength, hypertrophy, and endurance training.

Advanced Lifters

  • Focus: Tailored training for specific goals.

  • Approach: Use advanced methods like supersets, drop sets, and pyramid training.


No matter your experience level or goals, there’s a perfect workout split for you. Here's a quick recap of what we've covered:

  • 1-2 Days/Week: Full-body workouts focusing on compound movements.

  • 3-4 Days/Week: Mix of full-body and targeted splits.

  • 5-7 Days/Week: Advanced routines with more specific focus areas.

Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Start planning your workouts with these splits and watch your progress soar! And if you need personalized guidance, don't hesitate to book a session with a certified personal trainer. Happy lifting!


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