How to Train Trainers in the Personal Training World

In the bustling, competitive realm of personal training, standing out requires more than just knowing how to count reps and sets. If you’re a seasoned personal trainer with a wealth of knowledge and experience, you might be considering passing on your expertise to the next generation of trainers. This could be your opportunity to create impactful workshops, seminars, and classes that not only elevate your professional profile but also contribute to the fitness industry's growth.

Here's a structured approach to training trainers in the personal training world, designed to foster mastery, innovation, and client-centric methodologies.

Introduction to the Essentials of Training

The Basics of Training 101

Your workshop should start with the fundamentals. Covering the basics is imperative to ensure all trainers have a solid foundation.

  • Initial Assessments: Teach trainers how to conduct comprehensive initial assessments. Highlight what to look for in these assessments and how to translate findings into actionable insights.

  • Client Onboarding: Explain the process of taking someone from an assessment stage to becoming a client. Detail the importance of setting individual starting points and customizing approaches.

Key Learning Outcome

  • Master foundational knowledge of conducting client assessments and setting tailored starting points.

Mastering Fundamental Movements

Understanding Fundamental Movements

Break down the essential movements that form the basis of most training programs:

  • Squats, Hinges, Lunges: Detail the mechanics and common breakdowns of these movements.

  • Push/Pull Movements (Horizontal & Vertical): Discuss how to execute and troubleshoot these exercises.

  • Rotation/Anti-Rotation and Carries: Teach trainers how to progress and regress these movements based on client capabilities.

Practical Sessions

  • Hands-On Experience: Use practical sessions to allow trainers to practice diagnosing and correcting form under supervision.

Key Learning Outcome

  • Acquire deep understanding of fundamental movements and the ability to diagnose and correct breakdowns.

Advanced Programming Skills

Tailoring Workout Plans

Not all clients have the same time or physical capabilities. Teach trainers how to:

  • Design Custom Programs: Create workout plans that fit various schedules, such as 2x30 minutes a week vs. 4x1.25 hours.

  • Focus on Big Rocks: Prioritize the most impactful exercises and incorporate important changes every 3-5 weeks.

  • Adapt on the Fly: Make necessary adjustments during live sessions to cater to clients’ immediate needs.

Key Learning Outcome

  • Develop advanced programming skills to design and adapt custom workout plans tailored to client limitations.

Soft Skills and Client Retention

Building Strong Client Relationships

Soft skills are just as crucial as technical skills in personal training. Focus on:

  • Mindset Coaching: Help trainers understand different client mindsets and how to encourage gradual, sustainable progress.

  • Effective Communication: Teach strategies for clear and motivating communication.

  • Long-Term Motivation: Share techniques to keep clients motivated beyond their training sessions.

Key Learning Outcome

  • Gain expertise in soft skills required to engage and retain clients.

Networking and Community Building

Fostering Connections

Encourage attendees to build a network within the personal training community:

  • Peer Learning: Promote the sharing of experiences and learning from each other.

  • Mentorship Opportunities: Foster relationships between new and experienced trainers for continued growth and support.

Key Learning Outcome

  • Establish a network of peers and mentors within the personal training community.

Workshop Formats

Flexible Learning Options

Consider offering your training through various formats to cater to different preferences:

  • In-Person Workshops: Ideal for hands-on learning and direct interaction.

  • Online Sessions: Perfect for those who prefer a flexible schedule or are geographically distant.

  • Hybrid Models: Combine the best of both worlds, offering in-person experience with the convenience of online resources.


Training the next generation of personal trainers is more than just passing on knowledge; it’s about fostering a community, encouraging continuous learning, and ensuring that trainers can provide the best possible service to their clients. By covering the essentials of initial assessments, mastering fundamental movements, developing advanced programming skills, and honing soft skills, your workshops can set the standard for excellence in personal training.


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