21 ways to stay where you are and to stay out of shape and unfit

  1. Keep doing what you're doing. Don't change anything.

  2. Use a victim mentality, nothing is your fault; it's outside circumstances that have caused you to not have any control over your situation.

  3. Never self-reflect, for if you do, you won't like what you see. Don't reflect; it will be uncomfortable.

  4. Only do things when motivation hits; motivation is a feeling and it goes away, so you should just do things when you are motivated to do them.

  5. Don't have a plan; having a plan means you need to follow it, so simply put, just don't have a plan.

  6. If you do have a plan, don't follow it; it's one thing to make small adjustments, but if you want to stay unfit, you shouldn't follow the plan even remotely closely.

  7. Eat like an asshole: make sure you have no intuition when you eat, eat your feelings, eat highly processed food most of the time, and avoid high-quality protein fiber and healthy fats. Make sure most things are from a package or bag.

  8. Don't plan your meals out; this means you don't need to stick to meal plans or prep. Instead, you should have no plan and just order food at the last minute.

  9. Don't prioritize grocery shopping; but if you do, stick to the outside aisles first. Make sure when you go shopping that you only select items from the shelves on the inside of the store, which contain canned, boxed, and food in plastic containers. Don't buy whole-natural foods.

  10. Feel guilty and shameful when you overeat food or eat junk food; this way, you can use the shame and guilt to keep from spiraling down.

  11. Minimize your steps, taking as few steps as possible to allow you to burn as few calories as possible throughout the day, and minimize blood flow and feel-good chemicals too.

  12. Crash dieting, this way you can cycle between binge and restriction diets; yoyo dieting is one of the best ways to mess up your metabolism, decrease your mood, and disrupt hormones. It also teaches your body each time to retain as much body fat as possible.

  13. Only measure your progress by the number on the scale. If the number goes down, it is clear that you are losing weight, and weight is the most important thing to lose for your health. Who cares if it's a muscle, or if you're starving yourself, or if it's unsustainable, or even if you cut your leg off? The scale number would be less; thus, only focus on the scale number.

  14. If you are going to work out, just do cardio. It's going to help you lose the most amount of weight quickest within a few weeks. Yeah, who cares if you plateau, if you lose muscle, or if your metabolism slows down? Lose those 10 lbs in the first month! After that, you set yourself up for a big plateau which is perfect to help you stay out of shape. Also, when you stop doing cardio, you will rebound fast and hard which is great for getting back into bad shape.

  15. Avoid weight lifting; it makes you strong. A strong body has a higher metabolism, and you will, unfortunately, get into shape. If you are to lift weights, do it with bad form, a limited range of motion, in a random order, with no actual programming or plan. Make sure to stick with it the same way or change things up each time. Also, prioritize small muscle groups.

  16. Stay up all night when possible and don't sleep more than six hours a night. Being tired will help you get cravings to overeat, will help your body store fat and lose muscle mass, and will mess up your hormones. So by all means, don't sleep; and if you need to, don't sleep well.

  17. Drinking a lot of alcohol will give you extra empty calories, minimize the body's ability to sleep, and build more muscle, but it even promotes more body fat storage.

  18. Don't listen to anyone who is an expert in the health and fitness field, and make sure you only stick to your own opinion; this way, you don't get swayed by anyone to change your mind.

  19. Avoiding the sunlight, being outside, and avoiding the sun are great ways to stay unhealthy. This also minimizes your steps and keeps you in a bad mood, which can help fuel poor decisions.

  20. Stick around others who are going to bring you down; there is a rule that we are the sum of the five people we hang out with the most. So if you want to stay out of shape, it's very important to have a social circle of like-minded people who also want to stay out of shape. This way, if you ever start to make momentum in the right direction, they will bring you back down.

  21. Be mindless and like a zombie. Life is hard, so it's much easier to turn off feelings, both good and bad. Be like a zombie on the couch, medicate with food, drugs, alcohol, and easy dopamine hits. Avoid doing anything that is difficult.


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